Pet Dentist
Your pet’s oral care is more important than you think! Although it would be quite the chore to make sure your pets brush and floss every day, their oral health plays a major role in their overall wellbeing. Diseases in their mouths can travel via the bloodstream to major internal organs, including the kidneys, liver, and heart. If it’s been a while since they’ve had their teeth checked, or their mouth seems to be bothering them, bring them in for a full examination.
Veterinary Dentistry keeps your pet smiling.
Your pet’s oral care is more important than you think. Recent studies have shown that 70% of adult cats and 80% of adult dogs show symptoms of oral disease. Dental disease can lead to infections that can spread through the bloodstream to affect major organs such as your pet’s liver, kidneys, and heart. We recommend annual dental exams to get a baseline of your pet’s oral health. We’re also able to schedule dental cleanings when appropriate.
Unsure if your pet is having dental issues? Symptoms like bad breath, plaque build-up, excessive drooling, sore or bleeding gums when eating or chewing, and decreased appetite are signs that your furbaby’s teeth may require veterinary attention.
In addition to regularly scheduled dental exams, we also offer dental x-rays and dental cleaning appointments. X-rays help us view and then appropriately treat teeth and bone that are hidden from view, as well as what’s going on under the gumline. X-rays can often reveal hidden and painful conditions that are hidden from the naked eye.
As a leading veterinarian in Minnetonka, MN we make your pet’s dental care a priority. During a dental exam, we’ll also discuss home teeth cleaning tips and brushing instruction. Your home care with our dental services is the perfect combination to keep your pet’s mouth clean and healthy!
How to contact us:
Hospital Hours
Tues: 8 AM – 6 PM
Wed: 7 AM – 6 PM
Thurs: 7 AM – 6 PM
Fri: 8 AM – 6 PM
Sat: 8 AM – 3 PM
Sun: Closed
Closed Thanksgiving day
Closed Christmas Eve, Christmas day
Closed New Year's Eve and New Year's day
Phone: 952-314-1300
Free Triage Line (after hours): 952-314-1300
Fax: 952-222-3130
Request an appointment.